Thursday, September 18, 2008

Angels on the Moon :]

Hello Sunshine :) Well this is my creative writing class blog. I'm 15 years old and a sophmore at South, the best school ever :) I'm kind of smart but sometimes I do things that aren't to brilliant lol. Reading and writing are two of my passions. I've had high reading levels even when I was younger and totally love it. Volleyball is my most intense passion though :) When I play it's a rush I can't live witout. I love love love to play Gutiar Hero, it's the best video game ever. I'm a big movie fanatic and totally love something that can make me laugh. that's all I really do is laugh. I do it almost every minute of the day. Well that's about if for now. I'll be back. "Hasta La Vista, baby" :)

Do you know, that everyday's the first of the rest of your life.
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know.
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go.
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon.
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon.
This is to one last day in the shadows,
And to know a brother's love.
This is to New York City angels,
And the rivers of our blood.
This is to all of us, to all of us

-- Thriving Ivory<3

1 comment:

cwamber08 said...

Ya, Jessica I know!!! I'm with you on the reading thing. But I can't say I loved it when I was younger.LOL But you know me.

<3 amber